Sunday, 25 November 2012

25 Random Questions tag

1.     Do you have any pets?
I have quite a lot of fish. My fish is called Laura.Dont judge my brother and sister had one to but they both died.
2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you.
The kite runner book , my pencil case and my school bag.
3. What's the weather like right now?
Pretty tamed compared to what it has been the past few days.
4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed?
I am the right age to drive but haven’t yet because i am terrified.
5. What time did you wake up this morning?
I woke up at 9:50 thinking it was later, i was dissapointed that i hadnt had a huge lay in.
6. When was the last time you showered?
During the day yesterday
7. What was the last movie you saw?
Magic Mike it was beautiful ;)
8. What does your last text message say?
It was from Olivia and it said awwh L
9. What's your ringtone?
The standard blackberry one I think
10. Have you ever been to a different country?
I have ive been to the USA,Spain,France and Germany
11. Do you like sushi?
I dont but I wish i did
12. Where do you buy your groceries?
Mainly at Morrisons
13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster?
I’ve had special bubble bath but it made me stay more awake.
14. How many siblings do you have?
2 I have a brother and a twin sister
15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
We have a family computer and then my brother, sister and Dad have a laptop.
16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
18 – I’m bloody scared
17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
18. Do you color your hair?
I ombre my hair but I have got an urge to dye my hair ginger
19. Tell me something you are planning to do today.
Eat a beef stew, I’m really excited
20. When was the last time you cried?
Quite a long time ago at a song or the X-factor
21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
Just cheese
22. Which do you prefer-hamburgers or cheeseburgers?
Love a bit of both
23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?
I have gotten close to one, me and my friends Hannah and Olivia were playing ludo at like 5 in the morning our friend Ellie wasn’t very happy.
24. What is your eye color?
25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
No, but I can defiantly taste the difference between Diet Coke and regular coke.

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